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It takes several weeks to see the final results of your breast augmentation. Some amount of swelling can persist during this time.

Most of the swelling will go down in the two to three weeks following breast augmentation. A small degree of swelling can persist for several weeks, or even a few months.

Your breast implants will continue to settle into position for a few months after breast augmentation. At first, your implants may appear quite high on your chest, but over time they descend.

Breast implants can settle at different rates. You may see a little asymmetry in your breasts after your procedure, but the breast implants will eventually settle and have a balanced, symmetrical appearance after a few months.

Everyone’s recovery is somewhat unique, and it could take as long as six months to see final results. It’s important to contact Dr. O’Toole during this time if you feel your recovery is not going well or if you believe there may be a problem with your breast implants.

To find out if breast augmentation near Los Angeles is right for you, please contact Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a free consultation with experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Martin O’Toole.