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There is no upper age limit for breast augmentation. To learn if this procedure is right for you, call board-certified Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Martin O’Toole at (626) 689-7800 for a free consultationBreast augmentation cannot be performed on women under the age of 18 and is typically recommended for those over the age of 22. This is because breasts may continue to develop into the early 20s and is the reason silicone breast implants are not available for younger patients.

While there is a lower age-requirement for breast augmentation, there is no upper age limit. In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 85,000 people over the age of 65 seek plastic surgery every year – many of whom choose breast enlargement or lift.

Board-certified Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Martin O’Toole works directly with each patient – regardless of age – to determine which procedures are best for achieving specific goals. If you are considering breast augmentation, please call our office at (626) 689-7800 today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about your options.

Breast augmentation alone or in combination with other breast and body procedures is not only suitable, but ideal for women who are over 50. During your free consultation Dr. O’Toole will listen carefully to your desires, assess your frame, and help you determine which procedures are right for your needs. Please contact us today to learn more.