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Are you unhappy with the size, shape, or symmetry of your breasts? Do you find that your breasts are not complimentary to your frame or that their appearance detracts from your other features? If you are not happy with the appearance of your breasts and you are over the age of 18, you are at the perfect age for breast augmentation.

Beverly Hills breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Martin O’Toole is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and completely devoted to the happiness and safety of each of our patients. During your initial breast augmentation consultation he can answer any questions you may have, discuss your needs, and help you determine when it will be most beneficial to undergo this procedure.

Things to Keep in Mind

Your breasts will continue to develop into your mid-20s. Due to this, some women find it best to wait for breast augmentation until they are over the age of 22. Indeed, waiting until you are older than 22 opens up more breast implant options and may allow for a more natural-looking and feeling end result.

After the age of 18 there is no age-restriction on breast augmentation and the best time for you to have this procedure is entirely up to you. During your Beverly Hills breast augmentation consultation Dr. O’Toole will discuss your options to help you decide if now is the best age for you to enlarge and enhance your breasts.

If you are considering breast augmentation in or around Beverly Hills, California, please contact Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a consultation with Dr. O’Toole today.