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If you are unhappy with the way pregnancy and nursing have impacted the appearance and comfort of your breasts, it may be time to consider your options. No matter if you are considering a stand-alone solution or a complete mommy makeover, board-certified Los Angeles breast surgeon Dr. Martin O’Toole welcomes an opportunity to meet with you and discuss your concerns, assess your frame, and help you determine the best way to restore beauty and comfort to your body.

Breast Enhancement Options

To improve the look, feel, symmetry, and profile of breast after having children, Dr. O’Toole may recommend procedures including:

  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast lift
  • Breast reduction

These breast enhancement options may be used alone or in combination for optimal results. The option best suited to address your specific concerns will be based on factors unique to your anatomy and frame, and can discussed in more detail during your initial consultation with Dr. O’Toole.

If you have questions about breast surgery or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery today. Our board-certified breast surgeon has over 25 years of experience helping women in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and surrounding California communities achieve their cosmetic goals.