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Woman breast feedingAccording to The Los Angeles Times  what could be healthier for a baby than feeding him nothing but breast milk for the first six months of his life?

Not relying exclusively on breast milk for the first six months of life, according to a small group of experts on pediatric health from the United Kingdom.

Writing online this week in the British Medical Journal, they question whether it makes sense for parents in developed countries to follow the World Health Organization’s advice to provide six months of exclusive breast feeding. In the decade since the WHO issued its global recommendation, evidence has emerged that babies who aren’t introduced to solid foods during the crucial window of four to six months of age may be at heightened risk of developing food allergies and celiac disease.

For example, the incidence of celiac disease in Sweden rose after parents were advised to wait until their babies were 6 months old before introducing them to gluten; when the advisory was changed and parents were told to wait only four months, the rate of celiac disease fell. The authors also note that while peanut allergies seem to be rising in much of the developed world, they are still low in Israel, where peanuts are a common weaning food.

Few people would dispute the toll breast-feeding takes on the shape and volume of a woman’s breast. Dr. O’Toole explains that as the skin envelope stretches to accommodate milk in the breast,  after breast-feeding the skin shrinks back giving the breast a deflated look. Breast implants alone will not improve the overall look of this type of breast. Typically what is needed is a breast lift and a breast augmentation with implants. Dr. O’Toole’s goal is to restore the woman’s breast volume and shape with the least amount of incisions and scarring possible.


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