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Breast lift surgery is a wonderful way to restore a firm and balanced appearance to breasts that have begun to droop and sag. If you are unhappy with the way aging, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, nursing, or genetics have changed the symmetry and perkiness of your chest, Dr. O’Toole would be happy to meet with you for a free consultation to help you determine if breast lift surgery is right for you.

To schedule a free breast lift consultation with Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Martin O’Toole, please call (626) 689-7800 today.

Good Breast Lift Candidates

Good candidates for breast lift surgery should be:

  • Nonsmokers in generally good physical health
  • Prepared for a surgical procedure and recovery period
  • Willing to follow pre and postoperative instructions
  • Prepared to make a positive change to their appearance

Breast lift candidates should also have realistic expectations. This procedure can restore symmetry and produce a more youthful and attractive look to the chest, but may not address all aesthetic concerns. During your initial consultation Dr. O’Toole will discuss the benefits and limitations of this procedure to help you determine if it is the best choice for your needs.

If you are considering breast lift surgery in or around Los Angeles, please contact Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a free consultation today.