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Dance is more popular now than it was when John Travolta danced to Saturday Night Fever. Now it has a new twist. Dance is now a major part of the fitness category. According to women all over the country are toning their bodies to hip-hop, salsa, and even classical ballet.  According to the article, different dances train different parts of the body. For instance belly-dancing trains the core of the body, and hip-hop is mainly for cardio. The point is, dancing not only tones the body but empowers the dancer to feel all of the excitement and energy. Reality shows like Dancing with the Stars prove that the dancers not only want to look toned and fit, they also want to look shapely and proportionate. Dr. O’Toole assures patients that an athletic and toned body is very attractive; however, some of his patients have concerns with aging on their face. They tell him that their face does not match the energy and shape of their body. Dr. O’Toole explains that there are many options for facial rejuvenation. Patients can begin with minimally invasive procedures such as Botox or fillers to restore the volume that is lost in the face. If the patient is concerned with jowling, wrinkles, and sagging skin on the neck a facelift will typically help the average patient look at least 10 years younger than her stated age. For a patient who is active and fit this can be one of the best investments ever made.


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