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Sometimes called gummy bear implants due to their similar consistency, form stable breast implants are capable of producing remarkable natural looking results. Thicker than traditional silicone breast implants, form stable implants maintain their shape long after they have been placed, reducing the risk of aesthetic imperfections including:

  • Rippling and wrinkling
  • Deflation
  • Creasing
  • “Double bubble”

During your consultation with board-certified Los Angeles breast surgeon Dr. Martin O’Toole it can best be determined if form stable implants are the best solution for your breast enhancement.

Breast Implant Placement

Form stable breast implants have a naturally yielding feel – very similar to the feel of breast tissue. This may allow for more natural-feeling results even when these implants are placed above chest muscles. However, it is important to remember that subglandular (above the muscle) placement requires a sufficient amount of breast tissue to cover the implant, even when form stable implants are used.

If you do not have sufficient breast tissue to cover the implant, Dr. O’Toole may recommend submuscular (below the muscle) placement, even when form stable implants are being used. This placement prevents the implant from showing, further reducing the risk of aesthetic abnormalities.

To learn which type of implant can best enhance your breasts, please contact Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery today to schedule a free consultation with Dr. O’Toole.