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Mature woman standingAccording to KTLA Hot flashes are difficult to treat. Hormone therapy works well, but many women are reluctant to take hormones because of concerns about the side effects of long-term use. Natural remedies are safer, but several studies show they help little, if at all.

Antidepressants may benefit some women, however. In a study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Assn., researchers assigned women who were experiencing hot flashes to take a daily dose of the antidepressant Lexapro or a placebo. In the women taking the antidepressant, hot flashes decreased from 9.8 per day to 5.26. The women taking the placebo experienced a decline in hot flashes as well but not as great: from 9.8 to 6.43 per day. The antidepressant users also reported hot flashes that were less severe.

Both white and African American women experienced relief from the hot flashes, which was a significant finding because black women tend to have more hot flashes. And the treatment worked regardless of whether individual women were experiencing depression or anxiety.

Hot flashes are a common part of menopause for many women. Dr. O’Toole explains to his patients that many women also gain weight in places they have never experienced weight gain before. These places could include the upper back area, the outer thigh area, and the upper abdomen area. Dr. O’Toole recommends liposuction for these areas because he’s able to specifically target the trouble spots and remove them for better contour and shape.

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