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Both breast implant types can last an indefinitely long time, unless a rupture or other complication occurs. You may also decide to change the size or type of your breast implants, in which case they would be replaced.

Breast implants are not generally considered lifetime medical devices, and you should expect to replace them at some point. There is not a predetermined expiration date, although surgeons used to tell their patient they would need to replace breast implants after 10 years; this timeline is no longer considered typical.

The main reasons women have breast augmentation revision are:

  • A breast implant ruptures
  • Capsular contracture or other complication occurs
  • A saline implant is wrinkled or rippled
  • You want to increase or decrease size
  • You want to change the type of your implants

Rupture occurs only in a small percentage of cases, but when it does happen, the breast implants need to be replaced. Serious complications are rare, but capsular contracture is more common. Working with an experienced plastic surgeon is an important way to get long-lasting breast implant results.

To find out more about breast implants in Los Angeles, please contact Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a free consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Martin O’Toole.