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Following your breast augmentation procedure you will need to give your body time to heal before you engage in strenuous activities. Placing strain on incisions or overexertion in general can result in issues such as discomfort, swelling, and even unfavorable results. During your Los Angeles breast enhancement consultation with Dr. Martin O’Toole how long you will need to wait to engage in your normal activities can be discussed in more detail.

Your Exercise Routine

In the days immediately following breast augmentation you will want to avoid strenuous exercise, but mild activities such as walking are highly encouraged. Frequent walks can help reduce swelling and may even speed recovery.

Depending on the location of your breast implants, you may need to wait four to six weeks before you engage in more demanding types of exercise. However, it is possible that two or more months will be necessary for full recovery, and no exercise routine should be started before you have the go-ahead from Dr. O’Toole.

Every woman heals differently and there are no hard-and-fast rules regarding when to start exercising. Dr. O’Toole will provide you with general guidelines along with personalized recommendations to help ensure your comfort, safety, and ultimate satisfaction.

For more information about breast augmentation in and around Los Angeles, please contact Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery today. Dr. O’Toole provides customized breast enhancement options for women living in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and surrounding California communities.