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Unfortunately, aging does not always progress in a subtle fashion. As you age, the skin and muscle on your neck may begin to sag and hang under your chin. For some people, this problem is so extensive that it appears as a “turkey neck.” Considering the neck is often one of the first areas of the body to show unwanted signs of aging, this can cause a person embarrassment and frustration.

As a specialist in the field of facial plastic surgery, I have the ability to skillfully remove excess skin (“cervicoplasty”) and alter muscle tissue (“platysmaplasty”) for a better-contoured, youthful neck. This two-part procedure targets the sagging muscle and skin that extends from the chest to the skin below the chin. It can also effectively help redefine the edge of the jaw down to the neckline, which ultimately contributes to more aesthetic appeal and greater overall facial symmetry.

I provide patients a new look by working through incisions under the chin and frequently around the ear area. After the neck muscles are tightened and excess fat and tissue is removed, I will delicately reposition the skin over the neck, and then close the incisions.  Sometimes, the neck lift is complemented by including a lower face redraping as well.

Neck lift surgery brings years back to not only the neck, but the face. Patients can look and feel refreshed and younger with a tighter, more defined neck. If you are interested in alternative or complementary procedures, you may want to consider injectable fillers or facelift surgery. Please feel free to contact my practice, Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery, to schedule your consultation. I can answer all of your questions regarding neck lift surgery and determine if it is right for you.