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Womans butt in jeansWhen struggling for news it is not uncommon to see hype built around what happens in a very small segment of the population. The hype around but augmentation is one of them. Online articles such as the recent one published on would lead one to believe that women are clamoring to the plastic surgeon for butt augmentation. Most women are pleased with the shape of their butt ; however, they are likely to be concerned with their weight and total body contour. Through the years qualified and experienced ASPS board-certified plastic surgeons have carefully monitored the continued evolution of butt augmentation and the risk and competitions associated with the procedure. It continues to be rather difficult to find a US board-certified plastic surgeon willing to perform the butt augmentation procedure. Although, there are patients who have the procedure done and are happy with the results, overall the benefits must outweigh the risk to make butt augmentation with butt implants a good decision. Patients are becoming familiar with what is termed as the Brazilian butt lift which involves fat transfer. Fat transfer is not new and has been performed for quite some time by plastic surgeons usually in conjunction with a liposuction procedure. Dr. O’Toole explains to patients if they are considering fat transfer to the buttocks they need to understand that since you are transferring your own fat your body will absorb the majority of the fat that is transferred. Patient can expect to retain no more than 30% of what is transferred. Provided patients understand and have a realistic expectation of the procedure, it can be performed with satisfactory results. Dr. O’Toole explains that in order to achieve ideal contour is important to utilize either traditional liposuction or Smartlipo to sculpt the area above and below the buttocks. Dr. O’Toole uses his expertise and artistic sculpting ability to achieve  natural looking results. Patients who choose to improve the shape of their butt benefit from Dr. O’Toole’s experience and ability to recommend the best liposuction method for each patient’s individual situation. Patients who are considering butt augmentation are given a thorough initial consultation which includes not only a review of their medical history but also a detailed conversation designed to help patients understand the limitations based on their existing body shape and contour. Dr. O’Toole prides himself in an honest and appropriate recommendation for all of his patients.


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