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RunnersMany people fear becoming less mobile as they age.  Most runners dread getting older if it means they have to stop running. According to a recent article in the Los Angeles Times “there is a clear body of evidence that running does not lead to the development of osteoarthritis,” says Reed Ferber, an associate professor of biomechanics at the University of Calgary and director of its Running Injury Clinic. “Some of those studies have good evidence that it is actually protective of joints.”  With the great weather that we have in Southern California there are no shortage of runners. Those who are dedicated to running hope to continue to run as long as their body allows them to. It is not uncommon for patients to have very low body fat and become discouraged when they have areas of fat that don’t appear to respond to diet and exercise. Dr. O’Toole explains to some patients that even though they have been good about diet and exercise, and they have a vigorous running schedule that it is possible to have small areas of fat that do not respond. Contrary to what some may believe, these patients are excellent candidates for either traditional liposuction or Smartlipo®. Dr. O’Toole uses his medical expertise combined with artistic talent to achieve body contouring results that even excellent runners with lean body mass cannot achieve. Liposuction procedures would typically allow runners to return to their normal routine within approximately 2 to 3 weeks. It is important that patients allow for healing so that they do not have excessive swelling. Runners are excellent candidates because they’re much more likely to maintain their results for a lifetime.


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