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Male breast reduction is the most effective way to eliminate stubborn fat deposits and glandular tissue in the chest. With this procedure, board-certified Los Angeles plastic surgeon Dr. Martin O’Toole can address gynecomastia, regardless of its cause, to produce a toned and sculpted look in place of woman-like breasts.

If you are struggling with excessive tissue in the chest, please call Dr. O’Toole at (626) 689-7200 today to schedule your male breast reduction consultation.

SmartLipo™ is an alternative to traditional liposuction that may prove more effective at addressing fat deposits in the male chest. Using a laser to emulsify fat deposits prior to removal, SmartLipo is ideal for male breast reduction because it does not require a large incision and is capable of eliminating more fat without damaging surrounding muscle and tissue.

Of course, SmartLipo can be used on nearly any other area of the body as well, allowing Dr. O’Toole to fully sculpt your frame. Multiple treatment areas will be discussed in greater detail if appropriate during your initial male breast reduction consultation.

To learn more about male breast reduction and SmartLipo in the Los Angeles area, please contact Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery today. Our board-certified plastic surgeon welcomes patients from Los Angeles and surrounding areas including Beverly Hills, Arcadia, and Hollywood.