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Starting Chantix early could work betterAccording to The Los Angeles Times  the smoking-cessation drug Chantix may work better if people take it several weeks before trying to quit, a new study has found.

Chantix, or varenicline, appears to soothe withdrawal symptoms related to quitting while reducing the urge to smoke. People usually take the drug beginning one week before their targeted “quit date.” Researchers found that those who started Chantix for a month before the quit date were more likely to be abstinent at the three-month mark: 47.2% were abstinent compared with 20.8% of the people in the placebo group. People taking Chantix who reduced smoking in the period prior to their quit date were more likely to be nonsmokers at 12 weeks. There were no unusual side effects associated with starting Chantix four weeks before quitting.

Smoking and plastic surgery is known to increase the risk of complications. The most common risk is delayed wound healing. This is especially an issue with procedures that are used to”lift”skin and tissue.This includes procedures such as facelift, breastlift, and thighlift.  The incisions have tension on the sutures and the wounds can become compromised in smokers. Dr O’Toole and his staff carefully review pre and post operative written instructions and information concerning the risk and complications of each surgery. Smokers have increased risk with any surgery. The best option for smokers is to quit at least three weeks prior to surgery. Smoking aids can help.


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