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The New York Times recently reported on temporary breast enhancement with saline injections. With this procedure, saline is injected into breast tissue to temporarily enlarge breasts. According to The Times, results typically last less than 24 hours.

Reportedly, women who seek this procedure are interested in getting a better idea of what breast augmentation would look like. However, undergoing injections is not necessary for obtaining this information. During your initial consultation with Los Angeles breast surgeon Dr. Martin O’Toole, other methods of establishing what implants can do for your frame can be discussed in greater detail.

The Rice Test

One of the most common and least expensive ways to determine what breast enlargement can do for your body is with the rice test. To perform this test, you simply fill stockings with rice and place them underneath your bra, gradually increasing or decreasing the filling until you find the exact size you like. Make a note of your measurements in ¼ cup increments and bring your findings to your consultation. This can give Dr. O’Toole a very good idea of what you are looking for.

Dr. O’Toole will be happy to discuss this and other noninvasive methods of determining optimal breast size during your free initial consultation.

If you are considering breast enhancement, please contact Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery today. Our board-certified breast surgeon serves Los Angeles, Pasadena, and surrounding areas of California.