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For anyone unhappy with the size, shape, or symmetry of their nose, the idea of cosmetic nose surgery is bound to arise. Rhinoplasty techniques have progressed over the years, and surgeons use different approaches to help their patients achieve an attractive, natural-looking nose. This blog will discuss the two rhinoplasty options available, open and closed, as well as touch on a non-surgical alternative. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each, candidacy criteria, what other procedures can be combined with a nose job, and what to expect from a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon.

young woman with both hands under her chin

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Traditional (Open) Rhinoplasty

When people want to look their best, the classic option has a lot of appeal. Traditional rhinoplasty, or open rhinoplasty, involves making an external incision across the columella (the strip of tissue between the nostrils) to access the nasal structures. This approach offers several advantages and considerations.

Pros of Open Rhinoplasty

  • Comprehensive access: Open rhinoplasty provides the surgeon with a clear view and comprehensive access to the nasal structures, allowing for precise modification and reshaping.
  • Complex corrections: This may be the best approach for individuals requiring extensive nasal reshaping or reconstruction due to its ability to address more complex concerns.

Things to Consider

  • Scar placement: While open rhinoplasty results in a visible scar across the columella, this scar typically heals well and becomes inconspicuous over time. Cons:
  • Substantial recovery: The external incision used in open rhinoplasty may contribute to increased postoperative swelling and bruising compared to closed rhinoplasty and may result in a more extended recovery than closed rhinoplasty.
  • Potential for changes in sensation: Some individuals may experience temporary numbness or altered sensation along the columella following open rhinoplasty.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty, also known as endonasal rhinoplasty, is performed using internal incisions within the nostrils, eliminating potential scarring. This approach offers its own set of advantages and considerations.

Pros of Closed Rhinoplasty

  • No visible external scarring: Closed rhinoplasty avoids the external scar associated with open rhinoplasty, resulting in a more discreet surgical outcome.
  • Reduced recovery time: Due to the less invasive nature of closed rhinoplasty, patients typically experience a shorter recovery than open rhinoplasty.
  • Minimal disruption to nasal anatomy: Closed rhinoplasty preserves the integrity of the nasal skin and soft tissue envelope, minimizing the risk of postoperative complications such as prolonged swelling or scar formation.

Things to Consider

  • Limited visibility and access: Closed rhinoplasty may be less suitable for individuals requiring extensive nasal reshaping or correction of complex anatomical concerns, as the surgeon’s visibility and access to the nasal structures are more restricted.
  • Technique limitations: Certain refinements or modifications may be more challenging to achieve with closed rhinoplasty due to limited visibility and access, potentially affecting surgical outcomes.
  • Revision surgery considerations: In some cases, revision rhinoplasty may be more complex following closed rhinoplasty due to alterations in nasal anatomy and scarring patterns.

Liquid Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty, also known as liquid rhinoplasty or filler rhinoplasty, involves injectable fillers to reshape and contour the nose without surgery. While non-surgical rhinoplasty offers certain advantages, it’s essential to consider the following:

Pros of Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

  • Minimally invasive: Non-surgical rhinoplasty is performed using injectable fillers, avoiding the need for incisions or anesthesia associated with traditional rhinoplasty.
  • Immediate results: Patients can see immediate nasal contour and symmetry improvements following non-surgical rhinoplasty, with minimal downtime required.
  • Reversible: Unlike traditional rhinoplasty, which produces permanent results, non-surgical rhinoplasty offers temporary enhancements that can be adjusted or reversed.

Things to Consider

  • Temporary results: The results of non-surgical rhinoplasty are temporary, lasting anywhere from several months to a year, depending on the type of filler used.
  • Limited correction: Non-surgical rhinoplasty is best suited for individuals seeking minor adjustments to nasal shape and symmetry. It is not suitable for individuals with significant structural concerns or functional issues.
  • Filler migration: Injectable fillers used in non-surgical rhinoplasty can potentially migrate or shift over time, affecting the symmetry and appearance of the nose.

Your Candidacy for Each Rhinoplasty Option

Depending on the structure of your nose and desired results, your candidacy for each rhinoplasty option is as follows:

Traditional Rhinoplasty

Ideal candidates for traditional rhinoplasty are individuals seeking comprehensive nasal reshaping or correction of complex anatomical concerns, such as nasal asymmetry, dorsal hump reduction, or septal deviation.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Candidates for closed rhinoplasty are individuals with mild to moderate nasal imperfections or concerns who prefer a less invasive approach with no visible external scarring. Closed rhinoplasty may be suitable for individuals without any significant functional issues.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Ideal candidates for non-surgical rhinoplasty are individuals seeking minor refinements or enhancements to nasal shape and symmetry without surgery. Non-surgical rhinoplasty may be suitable for individuals with mild dorsal humps, asymmetry, or irregularities along the nasal bridge or tip.

Benefits to Expect from Each Option

Nose recontouring offers several benefits, including a more harmoniously balanced facial appearance and increased confidence. The option you choose provides more specific advantages, such as:

  • Traditional rhinoplasty: The benefits of traditional rhinoplasty include comprehensive nasal reshaping, long-lasting results, and the ability to address complex anatomical concerns with precision and accuracy.
  • Closed rhinoplasty: The benefits of closed rhinoplasty include no visible external scarring, reduced recovery time, and minimal disruption to nasal anatomy, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking subtle nasal refinements.
  • Non-Surgical rhinoplasty: The benefits of non-surgical rhinoplasty include immediate results, minimal downtime, and the ability to achieve temporary nasal enhancements without surgery.

Combining Rhinoplasty With Other Cosmetic Procedures

If you want to combine another facial plastic surgery with your nose job procedure, the following options can be added for a comprehensive makeover:

Rhinoplasty Services (Nose Jobs) in Pasadena, CA

Choosing the right rhinoplasty option requires careful consideration of your aesthetic goals, anatomical concerns, and preferences. Whether opting for traditional or closed rhinoplasty, Drs. Martin and Adam O’Toole can help you achieve transformative results.

To learn more about your rhinoplasty options in Pasadena, California, call (626) 671-1756 to schedule your consultation.