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Facelift surgery is beneficial for men and women who are displeased by their aging appearances. It can address deep lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, and volume loss or displacement.  

Before and after image showing a facelift.

While there is no competing facial rejuvenation procedure that can achieve the comprehensive skin tightening results of a facelift, facelift surgery is not a catch-all cosmetic treatment, and it may not be right for every individual.

When Should You Not Choose Facelift Surgery?

A facelift is a surgical procedure that rejuvenates the lower two-thirds of the face by smoothing wrinkles and addressing facial tissue displacement. This surgery enhances facial definition and restores a more youthful appearance.

While this procedure is appropriate for many women and men with aging facial features, it is not appropriate for all. 

Here are a few situations where facelift surgery may not be right for you.

Your Facial Aging Is Localized to Your Eyes

Facelift surgery addresses the midface and the lower face, including the cheeks, around the mouth, and jawline. This technique does not address laxity around the eyes, such as upper eyelid hooding and bags beneath the eyes, or deep creases on the forehead.

If you notice visible aging on the upper third of the face, you may be better suited for brow lift surgery (to address the sagging eyebrows and forehead laxity) or eyelid surgery (to address laxity in the upper and lower eyelids).

You’ve Had Too Many Past Surgeries 

Many men and women who undergo facelift surgery choose to maintain their results with additional cosmetic procedures. While some facelift patients elect for non-surgical or minimally invasive procedures like BOTOX® Cosmetic, dermal fillers, or laser skin resurfacing, others choose to undergo a second (or third) facelift.   

Facelift surgery can be safely repeated; however, with each surgical procedure, there will be additional scar tissue that can get in the way and obscure results, and a higher risk of nerve damage. Therefore, a patient who has already had multiple facial surgeries may want to rethink another trip under the knife.

You Hope to Reshape or Completely Alter Your Complexion

There is a misconception that facelift surgery can entirely change and recontour the way you look. While facelift surgery addresses lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, volume loss, and tissue displacement, it will not reshape your face or alter your bone structure. 

Facelift candidates need to have realistic expectations before undergoing surgery and understand what a facelift can and cannot do. 

If you are interested in adjusting the shape of your face, you may wish to consider an alternative facial surgery, such as rhinoplasty (to alter the shape of the nose) or chin implant surgery (to add definition and angles to your chin and jawline).

You Scrutinize Over Small Facial Irregularities

Almost everyone can look at their appearance and pick out a few things they wish were different (whether it is a sign of aging or a genetic feature). Small irregularities are normal, and they are what makes your face you.

Not every minute irregularity in your complexion needs to be corrected, and, likely, patients who over-scrutinize their appearance for “flaws” will never be pleased with their surgical results—no matter how well they turn out.  

Who Is the Right Candidate for a Facelift? 

Even though there is a select group of individuals who may not benefit from facelift surgery, there is another group that would. 

Ideal facelift candidates are healthy, realistic men and women who wish to restore more youthful contours by tightening and repositioning the facial tissues (such as skin, muscles, and fat).

During your consultation with Dr. O’Toole, he will explain if and how a facelift may benefit you.

Want to Know More About Facelift Surgery? 

If you think you may be a candidate for a facelift, contact Dr. Martin O’Toole at Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery by calling (626) 449-8910 or by filling out our online contact form.