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Your choice of breast implant will have a direct impact on the look and feel of your breast augmentation procedure. Even when implants are placed below the muscles in the chest, their filling and shape will produce unique contours and specific results.

The best way to learn which type of breast implant is right for you is by calling Pasadena breast surgeon Dr. Martin O’Toole at (626) 689-7800 to schedule your complementary consultation.

Saline Breast Implants

Saline implants are filled after they have been placed. This may allow for a smaller incision, which can reduce recovery time. It also allows Dr. O’Toole to adjust size after the implants have been placed.

Saline implants tend to look and feel less like natural breast tissue and may be more prone to capsular contracture when placed above the muscles in the chest.

Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone implants, including gummy bear implants, tend to look and feel more like natural breast tissue. These implants may last longer than saline alternatives and are suspected to reduce the risk of capsular contracture.

Silicone implants are filled prior to placement and may require a larger incision.

There is not one specific type of implant that can meet the needs of every woman. To learn which one is right for you, please contact Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery and schedule your free consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon today.