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The placement of your breast implants will have a direct impact on the final appearance of your breast enhancement. During your Los Angeles breast augmentation consultation, Dr. O’Toole will listen to your desires and discuss what can be achieved with different implant placements to help you determine which option is ideally suited to help you reach your goals.

To learn more about your Los Angeles breast augmentation options, please contact Pasadena Cosmetic Surgery or call (626) 689-7800 today to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Martin O’Toole.

Implant Placement

Dr. O’Toole offers both submuscular (below the chest muscles) and subglandular (above the chest muscles) breast implant placement.

Submuscular implant placement tends to look and feel more natural, reduces the risk of visible aesthetic imperfections, and produces fewer complications with mammograms and breastfeeding. However, this placement limits breast implant size and will increase both surgical and recovery time.

Subglandular placement reduces surgical and recovery time, can accommodate larger implants, and is capable of producing more defied cleavage. However, placing implants above the chest muscles can result in visible implant wrinkling or rippling, and increases the risk for issues such as implant sagging and double bubble.

To learn which breast augmentation options are right for you, please contact our experienced Los Angeles plastic surgeon today. Dr. O’Toole provides individualized breast enhancement solutions for women in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Pasadena, and surrounding California communities.